Guidelines & Expectations
This is a family friendly community; be kind & welcoming to everybody.
Respect others personal space; do not enter another apartment unless invited.
Freedom for our children comes with responsibility. Parents must know of their child's whereabouts and continue to check in with them.
Please keep communal areas tidy; clean up after your families have been using these areas.
Look after all toys, books, games and other resources. These are to be used by present and future families.
All personal belongings to be kept inside each family apartment to avoid accidents or breakages.
Any damages or breakages must be replaced or the same value offered.
If there is a maintenance issue, please contact us privately and we will resolve as quickly as possible.
Remove rubbish bags when full, and dispose of immediately along the road at large communal bins. This is to stop flies, ants and other pests.
We are a non-smoking venue; smoking is fine away from the properties and children.
Zero tolerance of drugs; be responsible when drinking alcohol.
Zero tolerance of smacking and physical violence.
No verbal abuse or intimidation.
As responsible adults, we must all resolve our own issues.
You must not leave your child home alone unless previously arranged with another member of the community.
Any children using a knife/sharp tool must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
If anyone in your family has a stomach bug, please stay clear of the community for 48 hours. Though please ask for help if necessary.
Pet owners are responsible for cleaning up mess. Be aware that not everybody is a pet lover. Some people may be allergic or afraid.
If you or your child suffer with a disability or condition that may affect others, or where you may require assistance, please let us know when booking.
When vacating your apartment, please put all furniture back to original places. Sweep floors and wipe down sides, empty bins and strip bedding, leaving all dirty linen together on your bathroom floor.
We work really hard to create a safe,
welcome and purposeful community.
We are all different and are all looking
to connect with other families &
like-minded individuals.
We hope you have a harmonious stay,
full of adventure & purpose.
*Deposits/payments are non-refundable
unless the booking is cancelled by venue.
On occasions a credit note to the same
value will be issued to use at a later date.*